It’s still fun in 2021, and isn’t that really the bottom line? Skyrim has aged there’s no denying it. The PSVR version is also still full price, while the PS4 and XB1 versions are still quite a bit above what other third party publishers ask for older games as well. Skyrim is so expensive because Bethesda – like Nintendo – likes to keep the value of its games higher. Even Ulfric will mention you not being a nord if you side with the stormcloaks at a certain point. Like, in certain missions certain high elves will treat you better if you were a high elf for example. The race of your character only matters in certain bits of dialogue. That’s the ability all Orcs start the game with, and it’s fantastic. Orcs get everything in the Warrior Tree and some Enchanting, so if you want to make a big, scary magic sword and wield it early, then Orsimer is the race for you.

Dark Elves are one of the few races that are best used when focusing on two playstyles. The Bretons are built more around the game’s Magicka system.

In addition, Which race is best in Skyrim?Įlder Scrolls V: Skyrim – How to Choose the Best Race For Your Playstyle (Updated 08.02.īreton. Yes, it’s absolutely, completely 100% worth it. The game feels completely different and refreshing with only a few simple mods, and the more I download, the more fun I have.