givelauncher – Adds GL G20 Grenade Launcher to your inventory.giveflashbang – Adds Flash Bang to your inventory.
giveflamethrower – Adds Flamethrower to your inventory.
giveelectric – Adds Electric Grenade to your inventory. giveblossom – Adds D4TH Blossom to your inventory. givecyber – Adds Cyber Buster to your inventory. givecybersmg – Adds Cyber Blaster to your inventory. givechainsaw – Adds Chainsaw to your inventory. givebaseball – Adds Baseball Bat to your inventory. giveultimax – Adds AS3 Ultimax to your inventory. givear55 – Adds AR 55 to your inventory. giveapoca – Adds Apocafists to you inventory. whatitmeanstome – Instantly gives you respect. runfast – Infinite sprint, you can sprint forever. fryhole – Heaven Bound (The Dead All Go To Heaven). Without further ado, let’s show you some cheats. Be warned though, activating cheats will turn off the Autosave function but if you deactivate the cheats, the function will return. They are not activated after being typed but can be activated when selected in their approriate folders. When the cheats are typed in, they will be added to their respective Folders. As soon as you enter cheats, they will automatically appear and will list the cheats that you have typed in. Don’t worry if you don’t see anything other than Add Cheat, Gameplay, and World. Open the Cheats app and you will find a list of Cheat options like Add Cheat, Weather, Vehicles, Gameplay and World.
Once in Extras, you will find the Cheats app. To input the cheats, you need to go to the phone menu in-game and select Extras. They work on PS3, Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Switch. Now, fortunately, all of these cheats are the same for whatever version of the game you play. Not to worry though as we have a whole list of Saints Row: The Third Switch cheats for you to put into effect and lord over Steelport. There are times however where the enemies can be quite tough (especially the brutes) and it can leave you worse for wear. The freedom to go literally above and beyond in the satirical sense provides players with hours upon hours of enjoyment. Let’s face it, Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package is actually a really fun game, even with its glitchy moments. 12:53 pm Published by Mike Scorpio Leave your thoughts