This can be alleviated somewhat by increasing his HP to ungodly levels, though just about any other warrior would be a better choice in any other situation.
Crutch Character: His "Overwhelm" ability and high HP make him useful in the early game, though his unique equipment later in the game makes him more lackluster compared to the other party members. It's the only thing in the game that will lower his approval rating. Cone of Shame: You can buy one in the Feastday Pranks DLC set. By his return in Witch Hunt, he is much more serious and rule-abiding, and has to talk Ariane out of performing mischief in the Circle. In Origins, he constantly draws ire and/or amusement from other companions by getting into mischief (stealing food, putting dead things in their packs, "decorating" their stuff with drool and tooth marks, etc). Character Development: Believe it or not. And Sten, if the Warden makes the Ultimate Sacrifice. He will also have full-blown conversations with Sten and Loghain in Origins and Ariane in Witch Hunt (who complains about him lecturing her). (A proverb mentioned many times in game is that mabari are "smart enough to talk, wise enough not to.") Perhaps justified by the fact that Mabari are supposed to have human-level intelligence, but they do just sound like standard dog noises. The Warden's response options make clear that Dog is capable of making fairly complex statements using his array of yelps, barks, and whines, and that the Warden is capable of understanding them. If taken to the market in Denerim, Dog will run off and come back with a human boy he wants to keep. and Oghren, both of whom threaten his food. Big Friendly Dog: To everyone but those who threaten his master, except Alistair. One needs only watch him viciously tear up someone using Overwhelm. Beware the Silly Ones: Despite doing all manner of silly dog things in camp or elsewhere (such as the "Can I keep him?" bit with a kid in Denerim), he is still a Mabari War Hound.
Because You Were Nice to Me: Unless the Warden is a Human Noble (who already has a pet Mabari), it's implied that the Dog is the same one that the Warden cured in Ostagar and he intentionally seeks the Warden, having chosen them to be his new master. Badass Adorable: He's a formidable fighter, but spends most of the time in camp giving you soppy looks and rolling over. Your Warden can be the most despicable kicker of dogs in all of Ferelden, and Dog will still adore them. 100% Adoration Rating: Dog's approval starts at 100% and can't be influenced downward, except by means of a specific Feastday Pranks item. The player may give Dog any name they wish, but according to writer Mary Kirby, his official name is Rabbit. Can be cute when he needs to be, though even Morrigan is moved by his puppy eyes once. The faithful Mabari hound of the PC with human-level intelligence and a mean bite.